About Us
The South African Society of Music Teachers is the oldest professional music society in South Africa.
Since its inception it has represented music educators at Universities, Colleges, Schools, Music centres, and in Private practice.
The society is registered as a non-profit company. Reg. No. 1932/004247/08
The Aims of the SASMT
- The unification of the music teaching profession.
- Furtherance of the interests of the profession collectively and individually.
- The maintaining of a high standard of professional competence and dignity.
The Mission of the SASMT
The functions and aims of the Society are to work for the good of music in any way concerning the music teaching profession in Southern Africa.
The vision of the SASMT
- To abide with the Constitutional values of non-racism, non-sexism, nondiscrimination and promotion of human rights.
- To bring Music Education and our rich and varied culture to as many people as possible throughout all areas of Southern Africa.