
Creative Arts (Music) Survey

If you chat to music teachers, particularly Creative Arts teachers, across South Africa, you’ll find that while most schools teach the same content, the Creative Arts (Music) syllabus is being applied in diverse ways. Some teachers of Grade 10 subject music have expressed concern over the standard of learners entering the FET phase for Music. It is for this reason that, at the 2024 National AGM of the SASMT (South African Society of Music Teachers) it was proposed that a National Task Team be convened to investigate the current implementation and challenges of Creative Arts (Music) Senior Phase in both public and private schools. The Task Team’s aim is to collate and distribute information obtained in this regard to support and guide teachers who are currently battling to use this syllabus effectively as a foundation for Grade 10 Subject Music.

The Task Team would like to encourage educators who teach the Music component of Creative Arts (Senior Phase) and/or Subject Music (FET) at both public and private schools in South Africa as well as Music teachers who teach at Music Centres or other institutions to participate in this online survey. Your participation is entirely voluntary, and you are free to decline to participate or to stop answering the survey at any time, even if you agreed to take part initially. However, once you have submitted your completed survey online, you will no longer be able to withdraw your responses, as there will be no way of linking your responses back to you. The survey consists of 8 sections, but sections 5-8 are not compulsory and there are questions that may not apply to you. You may leave those questions blank.

If you agree to participate in the study, you will be asked questions about your experiences as an educator teaching the Music component of Creative Arts (Senior Phase) and/or Subject Music (FET) at both public and private schools in South Africa and/or teaching Music at a Music Centre or other Institution. Participating in this survey stands to benefit you since we will be sharing our research findings with the national and provincial education departments. Participating in this survey does not pose any risks to you. All responses will be anonymised, and results will only be reported at the aggregate level. That is, responses will be analysed to highlight broad themes. No individual-level responses will be reported on.

Please find the link to the survey here or the scan the QR code on the image:

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