
Membership of the SASMT carries the following benefits:

  • Membership of the SASMT unifies all music teachers into one national organisation promoting activities for the advancement of their professional competency.
  • Benevolent Fund
    A Benevolent Fund gives aid to members who are handicapped through illness or any other cause, as the Trustees may decide. SASMT Benevolent Fund Policies and Guidelines-1
  • South African Music Teacher magazine
    Members receive the South African Music Teacher magazine. It is published annually and contains articles, reports and reviews relevant to music education nationally and internationally. Publishing guidelines.
  • Directory listing
    With the written consent of each professional and independent member, his/her name, qualifications, subjects taught and contact details are listed on the website. Anyone searching for a teacher can find this information.
    The list is updated by the EO or Webmaster, based on information received from Centres and/or members.
  • SASMT Regional Conferences/Workshops
    Regional conferences are organised by the regional Vice-Presidents. These conferences usually include guest speakers and panel discussions addressing current issues regarding music education in Southern Africa, lecture-demonstrations, exhibitions, and musical performances. Conferences are valuable occasions for music teachers to develop their teaching skills and to be informed of the state of music education.
  • SASMT National Conference and AGM
    National Conferences and AGMs are organised annually.
  • Centre activities
    Workshops, lecture-demonstrations, master-classes and concerts (for the advancement of performing skills) are held regularly. Social functions are arranged to provide opportunities for members to network and exchange ideas.
  • Bursaries
    The Society administers bursaries for members, students of members and student members.
  • The SASMT has an active Events liability policy for members of the society.
    Please note that all the advertising materials should clearly indicate that the event is hosted under the auspices of the SASMT.
    Event liability refers to the responsibility of organizers to ensure the safety of attendees, staff, and participants. For attendees, this means that the organizers are taking steps to prevent accidents or injuries and have insurance in place to address any issues that may arise. Knowing that event liability insurance is in place provides peace of mind, ensuring that organizers are prepared to handle potential risks and are committed to creating a safe and enjoyable experience.

Besides receiving all the above benefits, a member who takes an active part in what the SASMT has to offer, will have the satisfaction of helping to raise the status of the profession and to increase its value to the community and every individual concerned with music.