David Reunert Bursary
Terms & Conditions
- Applications are invited from music students intending to take up music professionally, either as teacher or performer.
- Candidates must be between 18 and 25 years of age.
- A candidate for the bursary may offer as principal subject singing or any performing or teaching or theoretical branch of music.
- The candidate must be in possession of a National Senior Certificate or its equivalent, a copy of which must be submitted with this application.
- Only students of current and paid-up members of the SASMT are allowed to enter.
- The candidate must be domiciled in the Republic of South Africa.
- Each entry must include:
(i) the completed entry form
(ii) a certified copy of the candidate’s identity document
(iii) a full academic record
(iv) recommendation letter by teacher or mentor
(v) a short curriculum vitae
(vi) a YouTube link to a recent unedited video recording
(vii) a declaration by the teacher that the recording is of the candidate’s own performance
(viii) a photo in electronic format about 500 px in height - The video recording must consist of the unedited performance of a minimum of 3 contrasting works from at least 2 style periods with a total duration of 15–20 minutes. The name and instrument of the candidate must be indicated on the video. The quality of the recording could influence the result.
- Applications must reach the Executive Officer by 31 October 2024
- The winner must be prepared to give a performance at the next SASMT Annual General Meeting.
The South African Society of Music Teachers
For further enquiries contact Priscilla Crundwell
Cell 083 788 2649 or e-mail